
carne de sol is a typical dish from the Pernambuco backlands. the beef is salted and left in the sun until it reaches the ideal point. at the time of preparation, it is necessary to soak it in water to desalter and then immerse it in the milk for a few hours so that it softens well and does not harden. this meat is already found ready in public markets, fairs and supermarkets in the region.

open the meat in half lengthwise making a very large kind of steak. soak the sun meat in the water for 12 hours, changing the water 1 time and then another 4 hours in the milk. dry and lightly fry in butter over low heat, taking care not to harden or dry out. place on a platter and keep warm.
slightly heat the cheese slices without browning them, just so they start to melt. arrange the cheese on top of the meat and serve with bottle butter, green beans, white rice, cooked cassava and farofa.


  • 800g of sun meat in a single piece
  • 1 liter of milk
  • bottle butter (melted)
  • 300g curd cheese cut into very thick slices