
Cook the potatoes with skin. Once cooked, skin them and cut them in half-moons.
Sauté the potatoes in olive oil, with the crushed garlic and the thinly sliced ​​onions, in a half-moon. Let it toast well.
Cut small steaks of veal loin. Beat them with a meat hammer and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Pass the steaks through the flour, egg and breadcrumbs.
Heat a little oil well and fry the steaks. When removing them, place them on absorbent paper to remove excess fat.
Serve the breaded steaks over the potatoes and garnish with lemon, chopped chives and parsley.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 100 g of breadcrumbs
  • 2 onions
  • 2 eggs
  • 400 g of potato
  • 8oo g of veal loin
  • lemon, chives and parsley q.s.
  • olive oil and oil q.s.
  • wheat flour q.s.