Concerto de carnaval em Loulé
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If you want to browse the map, only click the Search button when you have set the location and entered the dates.
Unwind the map and move to the desired location, or type in the (Where to go) field the name of the destination. Then enter the dates.
Once the map is positioned at the desired location, zoom in on the map, the more you zoom in, the more accommodation options will appear.
Attention: Prices shown refer to the total value for the period entered and for the number of people
Unwind the map and move to the desired location, or type in the (Where to go) field the name of the destination. Then enter the dates.
Once the map is positioned at the desired location, zoom in on the map, the more you zoom in, the more accommodation options will appear.
Attention: Prices shown refer to the total value for the period entered and for the number of people
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Advantages of taking out travel insurance with IATI
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
A type of policy for each type of trip
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
How to contract IATI travel insurance?
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
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Travel insurance |
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Advantages of taking out travel insurance with IATI
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
For more than 135 years, IATI SEGUROS has provided personalized advice on travel insurance, combining quality, service and price with different types of coverage, whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with family, with friends, as a rest plan, cruise, adventure , etc. For this purpose we have designed a travel insurance adapted to your needs. All our coverages include travel medical insurance without deductibles or money advances, with a great team of professionals who will assist you 24 hours a day in your own language, either by phone (with reimbursement for calls) by email or through our own App. But medical coverage, being the most requested, is not the only one in our international insurance; these also include trip cancellation, extension of stay, civil liability and loss or theft of luggage among others.
A type of policy for each type of trip
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
At IATI we have the best travel insurance for each type of traveler, so that they adapt 100% to your needs so you don´t have to pay for coverage you don´t need. For example: IATI Star, ideal for countries such as the US or Japan, IATI Backpacker for destinations such as Southeast Asia, IATI Families includes pediatric assistance for children, IATI Large Travelers for a trip of several months, IATI Standard with adequate intermediate coverage to most tourist destinations worldwide etc. We have the best international travel insurance whatever your next trip.
How to contract IATI travel insurance?
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
At IATI we like to make everything easy for you, and taking out travel insurance online from our page is really simple and intuitive. Simply complete the form with the data requested there and click on «calculate insurance», once this is done we will show you our travel insurance comparator where you can see its main coverage and the price of the insurance. If you wish, you can select up to three and access a much more detailed comparison in which you will see more broadly the coverage included in each type of policy. Once you have chosen the one that best suits your type of trip, click on contract, You make the payment and that´s it! You will receive an email with the details of your international medical insurance, information about the coverage contracted, your policy number and the telephone number from which you can contact us to request medical assistance while traveling or notify us of any other incident, such as loss or theft of luggage for which you need our help.
At IATI we have the best quality/price ratio on the market and we offer the best service, so enjoy your trip in peace. If something happens to you we will take care of everything.
Vídeos de, Loulé . Algarve
Vídeo by: Antonio Martins
Shot on: 2010-02-15
Views: 2391
Mais vídeos de Portugal
Diana achei maravilhoso o vídeo,tive vontade de estar nesta festa, achei bem pareccida com as que acontecem em minha cidade aquí no brasil, o repertório. |
Carlos Santos em 2011 estivemos (arte & mÚsica), novamente, a tocar neste recinto, com ainda mais pessoas a assistir e com muita festa e alegria! em 2012, tudo aponta para mais um concerto, neste palco, com a orquestra arte & mÚsica. |
Adonias Da Cruz ya... é fantástico e merece para que repita mais vezes.pois que isto mais adoro, ver o um ambiete de gentes como esse a se movimantar. |
Ana Sofia Brás fantástico!!!a banda é muito boa...grande artista me saiste rui!!! |
Jeovanio Carvalho gostei do video tambem sou musico e estou indo pra portugal agora em fevereiro espero conhecer essas fetas que tem por ai gostei mesmo e uma banda de primeira abraços |
Paulo G D Ribeiro Braileiro T vcs não tem comentario foi a banda mais legal que eu ja ouvi nota 10 vo ligar pra vcs dando os meus parabéns |
Núbia Portela simplesmente adooooooooooooorei, eu adoro festas, ainda mais orquestradas como esta parabéns pelo vídeo, queria poder estar ai e participar desta alegria sem fim. |
Ilze adorei esse video, so faltou foi a ginga brasileira nos salões...mas ta mt legal..parabens |
Angelica nossa lindo demias o carnaval ai....bem brasil...mais moderado claro....mais as nossas múscias ai presentes.....é uma honra..valeu valeu valeu |
Bernarditacontreraslopez maravilloso, me encanto ls musica,linda buena,los cantantes super ygual k la orquesta,megustaron las canciones ,se pasaron de buena. |
Mary moro em sÃo paulo.mas adoraria estar aÍ. mÚsicas maravilhosas. amei!! parabÉns!!!! |
Elvira Carneiro De Carvalho amei ,amei,parabéns pelo vídeo e fico ainda mais feliz pela apresentação de músicas brasileiras .só faltou a animação dos portugueses; como eu gostaria de estar aí , não perderia uma música . |
Ive45 ke lindoooooooooooo!!! a alegria é universal ,todo o ser humano tem as mesmas necessidades ser felizes a maior delas.parabÉns boa banda bom repertório,e alegria geral. |
Manuel Pereira adorei vosso video,pelo ambiente no geral,muita luz , energia , boa musica , faz recordar velhos tempos estao todos de parabens ... |
Arlete Arapiraca adorei esse video, a banda muito boa,com repertorio de muitas musicas brasileiras,muita marcinhas antigas, muito bom mesmo . faltou so a animacao dos portugueses, a alegria, alegria minha gente... e carnavalllllllllll |
Marília Cabral adorei vosso vídeo... |
Lidianne K. N.r De A. Lopes tenho certeza de que esse foi o vídeo que a andréa mais gostou de fazer, heheheh! muito legal! ou será que ela largou a câmera e entrou no embalo? kkkk felicidades pra vocês e voltem logo! |
Kelly Cristina muito bem gravado este vÍdeo hein.....kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bem no carnaval |
Aparecida nossa, vendo este vídeo, senti saudades dos carnavais em clube de minha terra brasil...hoje nem se ver mais festas assim...adorei este video e sonho um dia poder participar uma festa dessas em portugal (isso é só um sonho). parabéns! |
Alicia muy buena fiesta, me hace acordar a las de cuando era niña... siento una envidia sana y deseo que alguna vez me inviten a disfrutar con ustedes. besos desde argentina alicia |
Rui M Blouro parabens a tudos e especial a sr carlos santos e ao valter ea o homem a cocertina bem haja um grande abraço pra todos na realidade ok ass rui m b louro da churras o viera do ze mamel almeida guia albufeira algarve adeus |
Nadja Cavalcante esse baile de carnaval me fez lembrar dos carnavais de verdade, quando as pessoas se fantasiavam e brincavam em!! |
Catia pena que aqui apenas seja representada metade da noite. sim, havia também uma outra banda, os revolution, igualmente digna se ser mencionada. |
Eu olá pipi. o vídeo está jeitosinho... :-) os músicos são fantásticos. para quem não foi lá, é um bom docinho. venha mais. parabéns! |
Filipa Sousa que bom relembrar esta noite! foi um prazer enorme trabalhar com esta gente toda! :) um beijinho a todos os que fizeram parte dela e um muito obrigada pelo vídeo! |
Ingrid Berbesi definitivamente la música es el lenguaje universal. qué buena música! un saludo especial desde mi pedacito de cielo en barranquilla colombia. i love it! |
Jocélia parabéns,belissima apresentação. |
Rui Madeira parabéns, pelo trabalho de imagem, mediante as condições acho que está muito perto do que se pretende. só acho na parte do som que poderia haver uma melhoria se este tivesse sido captado da sala ou através da mesa de som da frente de palco e aí sim fazer uma montagem de som com a imagem, mas possivelmente ainda poderá ser feito. contudo,'parabéns' gostei bastante. |